Marriage Between Two People with Different Culture

In the United States, for example, minor children have a right to be supported materially by their parents or other legal guardians. Parents have a responsibility to support and nurture their children. Spouses dating in armenia have a right to mutual support from each other and property acquired during a marriage is considered “common property” in many U.S. states unless specified otherwise by a pre-nuptial agreement. Many such responsibilities are reinforced by religious or other ideological notions. This distinction mostly matters in societies with patrilineal or matrilineal descent because in such societies one set of parallel cousins is in your own kin group, while cross-cousins are generally not. So, in a patrilineal society, children will be in the same kin group as their father, their father’s brother, and their father’s brother’s children. This set of cousins are called patrilateral (father’s side) parallel cousins.

Descriptive analysis of survey respondents’ demographic characteristics was first conducted using the means and standard deviations for continuous variables and the frequencies and percentages for categorical variables. Second, multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the predictors of early marriage among female adolescents. We used a progressive analytical strategy starting with the calculations of the unadjusted odds ratios. We first ran model 1 in which ethnic groups were adjusted by messages to prevent early marriage.

Experienced again and again, these disagreements cause significant marital and familial conflict. Many of my patients struggle to bridge a cultural divide between them and their spouse–who is of a different culture, country, and/or religion–or between immigrant parents and first-generation children. Communicating across this chasm takes understanding, empathy, flexibility, and most importantly, practice.

What can cause an interracial marriage to fall apart is the inability of a couple to handle their differences and a failure to talk about the stresses one or both of them are experiencing. Living in a marriage with two different cultures In a cross-cultural marriage, it’s important to respect your spouse’s native culture and deal with the differences in a loving manner. At our last Life Together Forever Weekend, we enjoyed seeing couples from various cultures together in one huge conference room. In fact, we believe there is rarely a couple who came from the same culture. Even if you grew up in the same race, ethnicity, neighborhood, church, etc., as your spouse, there are things about your culture that are different from your spouse’s.

For example, in rural and tribal parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan, disputes, unpaid debts in default and crimes such as murder are settled by a council of village elders, called jirga. A typical punishment for a crime committed by males involves requiring the guilty family to marry their virgin girls between 5 and 12 year old to the other family. This custom requires no consent from the girl, or even her parents. Such arranged child marriages are called vani, swara and sak in different regional languages of Pakistan. In most other parts of the world, arranged marriages continue to varying degrees and increasingly in quasi-arranged form, along with autonomous marriages.

Clearly, this is not a community in which men do not fulfill responsibilities as fathers. It is one in which the responsibilities and how they are fulfilled varies markedly from those of fathers living in other places and cultures. This does not mean that romantic love is purely a recent or U.S. and European phenomenon. Romantic love is widespread even in cultures that have strong views on arranging marriages. Traditional cultures in India, both Hindu and Muslim, are filled with “love stories” expressed in songs, paintings, and famous temple sculptures. One of the most beautiful buildings in the world, the Taj Mahal, is a monument to Shah Jahan’s love for his wife.

A dowry was important for a woman to take with her into a marriage because the groom’s family had the upper economic hand. It helped ease the tension of her arrival in the household, especially if the dowry was substantial.

One of the more unusual forms of adoption is adopted-daughter marriage, or sim pua marriage. It is found in Taiwan and described by anthropologist Margery Wolf. At that time, Taiwanese families strongly preferred sons over daughters. Sons stayed with their families in adulthood, produced the next generation, cared for parents in old age, and carried on the tradition of ancestor veneration so that one would not become a “wandering ghost” after death.

  • Moreover, as romantic love has overtaken the practice of arranged “matched partners,” cross-cultural weddings that join individuals and families with differing values have increased .
  • It was assumed that if one partner gathered plant food and prepared food, the other partner should have a complementary role like hunting.
  • That is, to treat time with your spouse as something you try to fit in after you’ve attended to the kids, and after you’ve just finished this one last thing for work.
  • However, in reality, other people may harbor negativity or judgment about an interracial couple.
  • While this option might seem easier at first, it still requires a lot of careful planning and tricky logistics.

“Theoretically, women … defined as the property of their husbands …. The adultery of a woman was always treated with more severity than that of a man.” “eminist demands for a wife’s control over her own property were not met until … .” In a small number of jurisdictions marriage relationships may be created by the operation of the law alone.

Intercultural Marriages: So Many Blessings

These ideas are often linked to both practical and ideological considerations. Practical considerations might include the availability of housing, work patterns, childcare, the economic contribution children make to a family, or the cost of raising children. Ideological considerations include religious values related to families. In the 1990s, I carried out field research in Croatia, investigating ideas about families.

Begin Wedding Planning Early

Direct blood relatives are usually prohibited to marry, while for branch line relatives, laws are wary. Marriage laws refer to the legal requirements which determine the validity of a marriage, which vary considerably between countries. Conversely, when progressive tax is levied on the individual with no consideration for the partnership, dual-income couples fare much better than single-income couples with similar household incomes.

Which has been described as a marriage between members of two different races. Even though, it has not been that long ago since interracial marriage has been made legal throughout the entire United States. It continues to be one of the biggest conflicts in society today, considering everyone has their different viewpoints on the topic. Since these types of marriages are considered to be an exception rather than a norm, many couples continue to encounter various issues. Marriage is described as two people as partners in a personal relationship. The first one that comes to mind is the one we all know, based on love, but there is another one that some may not even know of and its arranged marriages.

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